Interior Ministry discloses methods it uses to inform students about dangers of drugs

  • 16-09-2024, 13:10
  • +A -A


    The Ministry of Interior clarified its policies for educating students about drugs on Monday, reaffirming that the Iraqi government is committed to fighting this scourge.

    "The Directorate is carrying out awareness measures in colleges and institutes and with students' parents to warn of the danger of the scourge of drugs to their sons," Major General Adnan Hamoud Salman, director of the Family and Child Protection Directorate, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA). He also noted that "in the event of cases of violence as a result of drugs, the Directorate obtains arrest warrants against accused people."
    He pointed out that "the Iraqi government is firmly determined to limit the entry of drugs into Iraq and is serious in combating this scourge, as local and international traffickers have been arrested and referred to the courts."
     Earlier, the Cabinet decided to allocate 1 billion dinars per month to the Ministry of Interior / General Directorate of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Affairs to spend it on its requirements and support its efforts in combating drugs.
    Earlier, the office of the supreme religious authority, Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani, answered a series of questions related to drug trafficking and addiction, stressing that "drugs are forbidden of all kinds and the money obtained through them is forbidden."
    In his answer, the Supreme Religious Authority stressed that "dealing with anyone who smuggles or trades drugs should be boycotted, and that drugs are forbidden whether traded or transported.