Al-Shammari announces completing all preparations to secure Arbaeen Pilgrimage

  • 1-08-2024, 13:36
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    INA-  Baghdad

    The plan to secure the Arbaeen Pilgrimage has been completed, according to Interior Minister Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, who also stated that the security services are firmly working with all extremist religious movements and will not permit their presence within the pilgrimage.  

    "We have completed all preparations in the provinces to implement the plan to secure the Arbaeen Pilgrimage," Al-Shammari stated at a press conference held in the holy province of Karbala, which the Iraqi News Agency (INA) reporter was present for. He also noted that "amendments were made to the security and service plans." 

     He pointed out that "the province and the operations command have been strengthened, with additional units of the Iraqi army, federal police and the Popular Mobilization, and responsibilities have been distributed to multiple axes," stressing that "the movement of pilgrims will be secured throughout the pilgrimage."
    "There are pre-emptive operations carried out by the intelligence services constantly, as well as the implementation of daily duties against terrorist elements," he said, noting that "these operations have achieved full successes".   
    "All units have explored their locations, and the security forces are ready to implement the plan for the Arbaeen Pilgrimage," al-Shammari said.  
    With regard to extremist religious movements, he pointed out that "there is a qualitative effort by the security services to follow them up, and a group of them were arrested and placed in detention".
    "The security forces in the holy province of Karbala are dealing firmly with all extremist religious movements and will not allow their presence on the pilgrimage," he said.