Al-Sudani Conducts an Inspection of the Development and Rehabilitation Works at the Northern Entrance to Baghdad (Baghdad-Mosul)

  • 19-04-2023, 18:51
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    Al-Sudani Conducts an Inspection of the Development and Rehabilitation Works at the Northern Entrance to Baghdad (Baghdad-Mosul) 


     Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani visited the work site at the northern entrance to Baghdad (Baghdad-Mosul), and was briefed on the progress of rehabilitation and development work. 

    The media office of the Prime Minister stated, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA)," Al-Sudani held a meeting with the company in charge of the work, along with the Governor of Baghdad, directors general from the Governorate, several technical advisors, and security commanders. During the meeting they discussed the problems and obstacles that were hindering the implementation of the project. 

    Al-Sudani stated that various actions and solutions were implemented to address the issues hindering the progress of entrance projects that have been delayed for many years. He also directed both official and unofficial entities involved to help overcome the obstacles. These entrances projects have caused inconvenience and hardship for citizens traveling in and out of the capital. 

    Al-Sudani commended the Governor of Baghdad and the executing company for their work on multiple sites, particularly the northern entrance to the capital. Despite facing obstacles that could have hindered the completion of the project, they were able to overcome them with the help of continuous supervision and guidance from the government. 

    Al-Sudani stated that work on the 33 km road will resume after the Eid Al-Fitr holiday. Some sections of the road are currently undergoing earthworks and pavement works. He expressed his appreciation for the workers' efforts and their commitment to ensuring the smooth movement of citizens by preparing alternative roads. 

    He also urged everyone to cooperate and work together to speed up the project's completion. The Prime Minister reaffirmed the government's resolve to execute the entrance projects of the capital at the earliest opportunity.

    These projects hold significance not only for the citizens but also for the governorates. His Excellency instructed that the implementation process adheres strictly to the required specifications. Additionally, he emphasized that the executing companies carry out laboratory tests for all phases of the project, from the initial earthworks and supporting layers to the pouring of concrete and the final road pavements, to ensure that the end result is durable and sustainable.