National Security announces the success of its plan for Al-Arbaeen Visit

  • 25-08-2024, 20:23
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    The National Security Service announced today, Sunday, the success of its plan for Al-Arbaeen Visit.
    The spokesman for the National Security Service, Arshad Al-Hakim, said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Within the security plan drawn up to secure Al-Arbaeen visit of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him), the National Security Service played a prominent and major role in the success of this visit by carrying out many intelligence, field and preemptive operations that contributed to the preservation, safety and security of the visitors."
    He added, "182 duties were carried out and dozens of preemptive information were raised, as well as the arrest of 146 people accused of belonging to extremist behavioral movements, seditionists and promoters of the Baath Party, as well as drug dealers."
    Arshad Al-Hakim pointed out that "the National Security launched a major awareness campaign aimed at educating visitors about the dangers that threaten community security, as the National Security Service detachments and volunteer teams distributed thousands of posters and leaflets warning against drugs and blackmail."
    He added, "The National Security Service detachments are still deployed in all areas of responsibility until the return of the last visitor, based on the directives of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces."