On Monday morning, the Prime Minister, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani, inaugurated the Air Force Academy at Al-Suwairah Base. During his visit, he toured various sections and departments of the academy, gaining insight into the training and pilot qualification techniques used.
During the inauguration ceremony, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces stressed that this academy is a significant addition to Iraq's military institutions and bases. Its purpose is to enable our heroes to safeguard Iraq's skies, protect its sovereignty, and combat terrorism. The Prime Minister highlighted his government program directives, particularly emphasizing the comprehensive infrastructure restoration of all state sectors, including the development of the Ministry of Defense's infrastructure and armaments to world-class standards from the best manufacturers.
Al-Sudani praised the sincere efforts of all parties involved in the timely completion of this significant project. He acknowledged the contributions of the Minister of Defense, the Directorate of Military Works, and the roles played by the Ministries of Oil, Electricity, Finance, and Interior, along with the company responsible for project implementation.
The following are the highlights of the speech of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces during the inauguration ceremony:
The Air Force Academy stands as another integral part of our military academies and bases. It is here that our heroes will persist in their endeavors to safeguard Iraq's skies and protect its sovereignty.
Iraqi aircraft have delivered impactful blows to ISIS terrorists, persistently targeting their hideouts and inflicting significant defeats.
Since assuming the role of Prime Minister, we have diligently worked on revitalizing the state's infrastructure in alignment with our government program.
We have placed strong emphasis on enhancing the Ministry of Defense's infrastructure, boosting the army's capabilities, and equipping it with state-of-the-art weaponry from top international manufacturers.
We instructed the expedited completion of contracted projects that had experienced delays, with a particular focus on the Al-Suwairah Base project (the Air Force Academy), given its crucial role in serving the military institution and the Iraqi Air Force.
This facility will produce highly skilled pilot officers for the Iraqi Army following their rigorous qualification and training.
Today, the Air Force Academy is operating with over 72% of its infrastructure completed after resuming construction.
I extend my salute to all the dedicated members of the Air Force Command, including the skilled pilots, engineers, and technicians.
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