ICAA statement regarding BGD airport accident 

  • 28-01-2022, 17:19
  • +A -A


    The Iraqi Civil Aviation Authority issued a statement regarding targeting Baghdad International Airport . 

    A statement by the authority, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that "at a time when Iraq seeks to lift the ban on air transport, return to normal, and keep its national airports and lines away from any international restrictions or sanctions, Baghdad International Airport have been targeted today with criminal missiles comes to undermine all efforts, seeking to banish what affects the country's reputation and jeopardizes its interests.". 

    He added, "What happened at dawn today in the targeting of Baghdad International Airport, although it is not the first, was preceded by other attacks, but this time it led to significant damage to one of the airport runways and two civilian aircraft in the southern area of the airport, and this represents a breach." This will complicate Iraq’s position before them and cause more sanctions, restrictions and moral and material losses.”. 

    He continued: "As an authority competent to implement safety measures at all Iraqi airports, we strongly condemn such criminal acts and call on the responsible government agencies to help us find solutions to protect airports as a front for the country, and to prevent any actions of this kind that endanger the security and safety of citizens."