Nazar Al-Khairullah: Iraq is looking for economic and investment partnerships

  • 26-08-2021, 18:40
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    Baghdad - INA - Harith Al-Ibadi

    The Preparatory Committee of Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership revealed the most important issues that the conference will discuss, while deciding the situation regarding expectations by discussing regional issues.

    The head of the committee, spokesman for the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership, Nazar Al-Khairullah, Senior Deputy for the bilateral relation at MOFA told the Iraqi News Agency (INA) during a dialogue table with a number of media institutions, that "the countries participating in the conference have good experiences in the field of economy, investment and industry, and Iraq turned as a result of low oil prices and the approval of the white paper for economic reforms towards creating a plurality of sources of income in the Iraqi budget and the trend towards agriculture and industry, and this opens up great opportunities.

     He added, "Iraq constitutes the largest investment opportunity in the region, and the participation of the region's countries in the conference will have a key role in supporting economic partnerships in Iraq, and this is what the conference will discuss based on its title, which is the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership, comes in support of the political and constitutional process in Iraq.".

    In response to a question by Al-Ibadi who represents (INA) whether the conference will discuss contentious issues in the region or make reconciliations among some countries, Al-Khairullah clarified that "the conference is not about discussing the region's crises or any regional files, and it will avoid contentious issues, and the leaders are the ones who will determine the direction of the conference that will search for Partnerships that can serve the interests of the Iraqi people and solve economic problems.

    Al-Khairullah also pointed out that "the timing of the conference before the legislative elections in Iraq will reflect positively on the situation in the country, and it is not possible to estimate what will come out of the results before the conference is held."