Salih: The draft law on recovering corruption proceeds included proactive measures

  • 2-06-2021, 16:44
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    Baghdad - INA 

    The President of the Republic, Barham Salih, held an expanded meeting on the draft law on recovering corruption proceeds, while noting that the draft law included proactive measures.

    A statement by the Presidency of the Republic, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), stated that "President Barham Salih held an expanded meeting on the draft law on recovering corruption proceeds."

    He added, "The meeting was attended by the First Deputy Speaker of the House of Representatives, Hassan Al-Kaabi, the heads of the parliamentary integrity, financial and legal committees, the head of the Public Prosecution Authority, the head of the Integrity Commission, and the head of the Financial Supervision Bureau."

    Salih stressed that "the draft law is a step that complements the basic role of the efforts of state institutions and the integration of roles and coordination between them in combating corruption and recovering the proceeds of corruption," noting that "it included proactive measures aimed at preventing corruption from occurring, and subsequent procedures that work to restore corruption funds and revenues, and to benefit from international successful experiences in fight against corruption.

    Salih continued, "Corruption is a serious scourge that has affected economic and social development and the general situation in the country," noting that "this requires a serious pause in which all official institutions participate in order to curb this scourge, because its continuation represents a threat to the country's present and future, and disrupts the building of the national economy." ".

    And Salih also indicated that "the distinguished House of Representatives and the relevant parliamentary committees are invited to discuss and enrich the draft law, and to assist in its approval," stressing "the necessity of continuing the path of comprehensive reform and not complacency in this national mission, in order to establish a capable, capable, sovereign state, serving its citizens."