International Alliance: Iraqi forces are leading the battles against Daesh, and our task is to consult

  • 30-05-2021, 12:18
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    International Alliance: Iraqi forces are leading the battles against Daesh, and our task is to consult

     The International Coalition confirmed that its mission in Iraq to defeat Daesh has shifted from direct combat to additional support for Iraqi forces, including advice and training, while noting that Iraqi forces are leading the battles against Daesh. 

    The official spokesman for the Joint Task Force in the international coalition, Colonel Wayne Marotto, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that the mission of the coalition has not changed, we are present at an official invitation from the Iraqi government to eliminate terrorist and its remnants in specific parts of Iraq and Syria. 

    He added, the coalition continues to provide intelligence, surveillance, reconnaissance, logistics, advice, and helps empower partner forces at the operational and strategic levels, stressing that when requested, air support is provided to the Iraqi security forces.