The Supreme Religious Authority Expresses Solidarity with the Lebanese People in the Face of Brutal Zionist Aggression

  • Today, 14:09
  • +A -A

    Baghdad - INA  


    The Supreme Religious Authority expressed on Monday, its profound solidarity with the Lebanese people in light of the brutal Zionist aggression.
    In a statement issued by the office of the Supreme Religious Authority, Sayyid Ali al-Sistani, in Najaf al-Ashraf, it was conveyed: "During these trying days faced by the esteemed Lebanese people, who are increasingly subjected to the unrelenting aggression of the Zionist occupiers through savage tactics—including the destruction of numerous personal communication devices and the targeting of homes crowded with civilians, including women and children—alongside the relentless airstrikes on numerous villages and towns in the south and the Bekaa, which have thus far resulted in the martyrdom and injury of a large number of courageous resistance fighters and countless innocent civilians, as well as the displacement of tens of thousands from their homes, the Supreme Religious Authority expresses its solidarity with the noble Lebanese citizens and extends heartfelt condolences for their profound suffering. We raise our hands in supplication to the Almighty Allah, beseeching Him to safeguard them from the wicked and the malevolent, to envelop their righteous martyrs with His mercy and grace, and to grant swift healing to the wounded and afflicted."
    The statement further called upon "every possible effort to bring an end to this ongoing barbaric aggression and to protect the Lebanese people from its catastrophic consequences," urging "the faithful to engage in actions that alleviate their suffering and fulfill their humanitarian needs."