Al-Sudani Orders Finalization of Expropriations for Development Road Project

  • 30-06-2024, 20:47
  • +A -A

    Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani chaired the regular meeting of the Higher Committee for the Development Road Project today, Sunday, in the presence of the Minister of Transportation, the Minister of Construction, Housing, Municipalities, and Public Works, the Prime Minister's Chief of Staff, the Chairman of the National Investment Commission, and several officials from the Ministries of Planning, Oil, Electricity, and Communications, as well as the Prime Minister's advisors.
    “The meeting reviewed the progress made at Al-Faw Grand Port, with the Minister of Transportation presenting the executed actions in light of the previous meetings' resolutions,” stated the Media Office of the Prime Minister in a statement, received by The Iraqi News Agency-INA. “The meeting also focused on the expropriation file and resolving conflicts with the Ministries of Oil and Electricity, as well as with other ministries and provinces”.
    “The meeting approved the formation of a joint committee including members from the Ministry of Transportation/State Company for Railways, the Ministry of Finance/State Real Estate Directorate, the Ministry of Water Resources/General Authority for Survey, the Ministry of Agriculture/Agricultural Lands Directorate, and the Ministry of Construction and Housing/General Directorate of Municipalities and the Directorate of Roads and Bridges”, the statement added. “This committee is tasked with preparing cadastral maps of the lands along the project's paths, determining the ownership and legal status of those lands, and working on expropriating for the Ministry of Transportation, according to existing laws and regulations, or creating new ones as needed to proceed with the required expropriations to complete the project”.
    The meeting also reviewed the legal framework for managing the Development Road Project and Al-Faw Grand Port through special legislation, considering similar regional and global experiences, and the vision for energy transmission within the project. Additionally, the diplomatic file was discussed, including explaining the project's dimensions to friendly countries and those interested in joining and participating in the execution or investing in the opportunities provided by the overall framework of the Development Road Project.
    Prime Minister Al-Sudani directed the fulfillment of the requirements for the ministerial meeting of the quadripartite committee formed under the memorandum of understanding signed between Iraq, Türkiye, Qatar, and the UAE.