Security Council to end UN Iraq mission next year

  • 31-05-2024, 19:47
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     The UN Security Council decided, today, Friday, to end the tasks of the UNAMI mission in Iraq, by the end of the year 2025, and while it praised the efforts of the Iraqi government in settling internal issues in the country, it praised the progress achieved in the goals specified in the program and priorities of the Iraqi government.
    The Security Council said in a resolution issued and received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): the following:
    1. Takes note of the Government of Iraq’s letter dated 8 May 2024 and decides to extend UNAMI’s mandate for a final 19-month period until 31 December 2025 after which UNAMI will cease all work and operations except with respect to any remaining liquidation of the Mission pursuant to paragraph two.
    2. Requests that the Secretary-General prepare, in consultation with the Government of Iraq, a transition and liquidation plan to be completed by 31 December 2024, for UNAMI to start the transfer of its tasks, as well as the orderly and safe drawdown and withdrawal of its personnel and assets, including identification of an end date for liquidation activities in Iraq.
    3. Decides to authorize for a period to be determined based on administrative procedures subject to the UN Financial Rules and Regulations, the retention of guard units from within UNAMI’s existing footprint to protect the Mission’s personnel, facilities and assets, including during the liquidation period.
    4. Calls on the Government of Iraq to cooperate fully with the UN during UNAMI’s transition, drawdown and liquidation.
    5. Commends the Government of Iraq’s efforts to settle internal issues in Iraq and to make progress towards achieving the milestones set out in the Government of Iraq’s programme and priorities, including the holding of Iraqi Council of Representatives and Iraqi Kurdistan Region parliamentary elections in due course; preservation and strengthening of functioning institutions to sustain a structured and regular dialogue; and the strengthening of national human rights bodies that are effective and independent.
    6. Notes the request of the Government of Iraq to draw down UNAMI’s activities in its letter dated 8 May 2024, and requests the Secretary-General to streamline the tasks of UNAMI as follows:
    (a) Provide advice, support, and technical assistance to the Government of Iraq, the Independent High Electoral Commission and other Iraqi institutions with efforts to strengthen electoral preparation and processes to ensure free and fair elections, with the full, equal, meaningful and safe participation of women, including 3/4 federal Iraq’s parliamentary elections and the Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s parliamentary elections, through transparent and inclusive processes, including through regular technical reviews and detailed reporting on electoral preparations and processes, as part of the Secretary-General’s regular reporting cycle.