Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muhibis Al-Saadawi, and UK Ambassador to Iraq , Mark Bryson discussed on Sunday, joint cooperation between the two countries."
The ministry stated, in a statement, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "Minister of Transport, Razzaq Muhibis Al-Saadawi, received, today Sunday, at the ministry's headquarters, the UK ambassador to Iraq, Mark Bryson, in the presence of the Trade director of the British Embassy James Gallagher, to discuss cooperation and joint coordination between the two countries in the field of transport."
Al-Saadawi confirmed, according to the statement, that "during the meeting, several issue were discussed, including the file of the European embargo, and the opening of new horizons in transport lines between the two countries," pointing to "taking advantage of expertise and investing it in the field of transport."
For his part, the UK ambassador expressed "his country's readiness to provide support and advice to the Iraqi side in all matters related to transport sectors, pointing out his country's readiness to provide the Iraqi side with the latest specialized expertise in the field of transport and trade and bridging all forms of cooperation in work."
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