Oil Minister announces the imminent implementation of marine seismic surveys in the territorial waters

  • 13-09-2022, 12:42
  • +A -A

    Minister of Oil, Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar Ismail, on Tuesday announced the imminent implementation of seismic surveys of the marine blocks in the territorial waters.
    Ismail emphasized in a statement, received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), to "The importance of conducting seismic survey work for the marine area in the Arabian Gulf, which is the first experience and actual activity in a site in regional waters in the Arabian Gulf with its land and sea parts," noting that "expectations and studies indicate that it contains hydrocarbons.”
    The minister explained, according to the statement, that "The ministry's efforts over the past years resulted reaching a contract formula for a joint study with the Chinese company CNOOC, in 2019, aimed at determining the points and locations of land and sea exploration."
    For his part, the Director General of the Oil Exploration Company, Ali Jassim, said: "The plans of the Ministry and the National Oil Company aim to maximize the national reserves of hydrocarbon wealth and invest it, through joint work with sober international companies in transforming expectations into an actual reserve added to the national production."