Durov explains the reason for the problems that appeared in Telegram

  • 25-02-2022, 21:50
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    The founder of the “Telegram” application, Pavel Durov, explained the reason for the emergence of problems in the work of his application yesterday, Thursday.

    Durov said in a blog post on the Internet, "On Thursday, February 24, the Telegram application experienced some problems in its work. We noticed unprecedented pressure on the application's servers in the first half of the day.

     The developers did their best to maintain the stability of the application's work .. Due to the events today, the application servers in Europe bore a great burden, which caused short interruptions in the work of the application and some of its services.

    According to the available information, problems in the work of “Telegram” began to appear on Thursday, February 24, at 10:00 Moscow time, and many users complained about their inability to connect to the application servers, and that the application they have is working unstable.

    The data of the Down detector website indicated that interruptions in the application’s work occurred on the aforementioned day at a rate of approximately once every two hours, and the peak of complaints from users about these problems was at 11:12 Moscow time, as about 3 thousand users complained about the matter, including users of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and several other countries.