PM announces arrest the responsible of bloody Karrada bombing

  • 18-10-2021, 18:12
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    The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi, announced the arrest of the person responsible for the bloody Karrada bombing. 

    Al-Kadhimi said in a tweet on his Twitter account and followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "More than five years after the Karrada bombing crime that bled the hearts of Iraqis, our heroic forces succeeded, after a complex intelligence pursuit outside Iraq, in arresting the terrorist Ghazwan Al-Zobaie, nicknamed "The (Abu Ubaida Baghdad), who is responsible for this crime and other crimes. 

    He added, "Accounting those involved in the blood of our children is a national duty that we will not deviate from, and we have been directed to organize a competition to create a monument commemorating the victims of the Karrada bombing as part of fulfilling all the sacrifices of Iraqis.