Al-Sadr addresses an appeal to the Arab rulers regarding the events in Jerusalem

  • 16-05-2021, 18:38
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    Baghdad - INA

    The leader of the Sadrist movement, Muqtada al-Sadr, made an appeal today, Sunday, to Arab rulers regarding the events in Jerusalem.

    Al-Sadr said in a tweet on his Twitter account, which was followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "To the rulers of the Arabs ... I address to you my call in the midst of the grinding war waged by the Zionist enemy against the honorable Jerusalem and the struggling Gaza. I call on the Arab rulers who oppose the state of evil, to hurry up." To cancel normalization and expel ambassadors from their countries, or no less pressure on them or reduce their representation, as well as to boycott them economically and the like. "
    He added, "Our sons are waiting for a position from you that will lift their suffering and grievances ... May your stance be an honorable flash in your future history."