PCC clarifies the fact of smuggling Corona vaccines

  • 30-04-2021, 17:05
  • +A -A

    Baghdad - INA

    The Parliamentary Crisis Cell denied the existence of smuggling of anti-Coronavirus vaccines out of the country.

    A member of the Health and Environment Committee, Jawad Al-Mousawi, said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “We received some complaints from some parties about the presence of vaccine smuggling,” stressing that “during the past week the issue was scrutinized and the Ministry of Health and some outlets visited the vaccine, and it was done. Checking the mechanism according to the electronic link and by registering in the centers. "

    Mousawi added, "It has been confirmed that all the mechanisms are correct and there is no leakage or smuggling of the vaccine or the vaccine card, as well as there is no information or confirmation that there is a quantity of vaccines leaked to any place outside Iraq."
    He stressed, "the necessity for there to be popular monitoring, even from the citizen, in this matter," concluding by saying: "We are fully prepared to verify it and with any information that comes from any citizen, and we hope that it will be accurate to verify it."