PM: Taking steps to develop e-payment systems and services

  • 4-11-2024, 16:55
  • +A -A


    PM Muhammed S. Al-Sudani directed on Monday to take several steps for enhancing and developing e-payment systems and services.

    "In line with the government’s financial and economic reform plan, which is one of its top priorities, Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani has directed the implementation of several steps to enhance and develop electronic payment systems and services:
    Work towards the domiciliation of salaries for private sector employees, similar to the public sector, by tasking the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the Central Bank of Iraq to collaborate with select private sector institutions to establish an appropriate mechanism for this purpose,according to a statement by the PM Media Office - received by the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

    The statement included that "all ministries and government institutions shall transition from cash payments to electronic payment for payment collections and related transactions. Each ministry or government institution must submit a comprehensive plan for this transition by December 31, 2024, with full implementation to commence by July 1, 2025."