The Media Commission discusses digital transformation and cybersecurity strategies in New York

  • Today, 18:59
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    The Chairman of the Communications and Media Commission, Ali Al-Muayyad, discussed today, Wednesday, with the First Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Office of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, Jennifer Bakos, issues and strategies related to digital transformation and cybersecurity in Iraq.
    The Communications and Media Commission said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): that "The Chairman of the Communications and Media Commission, Ali Al-Muayyad, met with the First Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for the Office of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, Jennifer Bakos, on the sidelines of Iraq's participation in the Future Summit held in New York."
      "The meeting focused on discussing issues and strategies related to digital transformation and cybersecurity in Iraq, as support from the American side was requested in formulating digital policies, developing skills and human cadres, and ways of cooperation between Iraq and the United States in the field of policies and regulations related to the digital space, while emphasizing the importance of supporting American companies specialized in enhancing Iraq's cyber capabilities."
    For her part, Bakos welcomed according to the statement the "Iraqi initiative, and stressed the United States' readiness to provide full support to Iraq in this field, while urging specialized American companies to contribute to developing digital transformation and enhancing cybersecurity."