PM calls on holding an Islamic summit to discuss the Zionist aggression on Lebanon

  • Yesterday, 20:49
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    PM Muhammed S. Al-Sudani called for holding an Islamic summit to discuss the Zionist aggression on Lebanon.

    "In light of the recent developments in brotherly Lebanon, the Iraqi government and the Iraqi people stand firmly for justice, truth, and principles, based on the statement of the Office of the Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani," according to a statement by the PM Media Office - received by the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

    The statement highlighted, "His Eminence has called for all efforts to be made to stop the aggression and assist Lebanon and its people in their brave resistance to the criminal Zionist attacks, which have resulted in the martyrdom of hundreds of its honorable citizens and the injury of thousands of innocent civilians."

    "This stance is not new from the Supreme Religious Authority in Najaf, which has long expressed its wise understanding of the core issue which is the existence of the Zionist entity, its occupation of Palestine, and its attempts to sow discord and expand conflict in the region. Our government's position has been clear from the outset, unequivocally rejecting the brutal aggression against Gaza and all of steadfast Palestine, as well as rejecting the Zionist entity's attacks on the sovereignty of certain countries in the region," added the statement.

    PM Al-Sudani stressed, "We have consistently called upon major powers, international organizations, and all Arab and Islamic countries to make efforts to stop the criminal Zionist war machine and Iraq now calls for an urgent summit of Arab and Islamic leaders (currently in New York) to hold an Islamic summit to discuss the repercussions of the Zionist aggression on our peaceful people in Lebanon. This summit aims to coordinate joint efforts to halt criminal behavior and rally global opinion, which has never been more aware of the historical injustice against Palestinians and the current suffering in peaceful Lebanon."

    "On behalf of Iraq, both its government and people, we declare our commitment to organizing efforts and delivering aid, combining official and popular efforts in response to the call and guidance of the Supreme Religious Authority to alleviate the suffering of our brothers in Lebanon by establishing an airbridge and a land bridge, facilitating the delivery of fuel to power the hospitals and service institutions in Lebanon. Additionally, Iraqi hospitals will be open to receive the injured and wounded, and we will do everything to strengthen Lebanon’s resilience in the face of the ongoing aggressions and terrorist crimes committed by the Zionist entity," included in the statement.