Transport Ministry: Countries and international companies aspire to be part of the Development Road project

  • Today, 18:10
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    The Ministry of Transport confirmed, on Friday, that the Development Road project enjoys a positive view from the countries of the region due to its importance in light of the government's determination to complete its procedures, while announcing the completion of the initial designs for the railway line and the topographic survey by 100%.
    The ministry's spokesman, Maitham Al-Safi, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): that "The initial designs phase for the Development Road project are proceeding at an advanced level by the specialized Italian company, and a feasibility study has been prepared in coordination with the competent committees from the relevant ministries and institutions."
    He added, "The initial designs for the railway line, topographic, and soil survey have been completed by 100%, while the completion rate of the initial designs has reached 75%," noting that "the next step after completing the initial designs is the final or detailed designs phase." 
    He continued, "Many countries and international companies aspire to be part of the Development Road project," stressing, "These countries and companies have approached the Ministry of Transport regarding the project," explaining, "The strategic partner in the Development Road project is the Turkish side through a memorandum of understanding from which the ministerial council representing four major countries emerged."
    Al-Safi indicated in his interview with the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that, "The project designs are being prepared by an Italian company, while Oliver Wyman Company supervises the consulting services," stressing, "There are understandings with the ministerial committee for the project by raising many topics with the Turkish, Emirati and Qatari sides regarding the projects."
    Al-Safi referred in his interview to the statements of the Turkish Minister of Transport in which he confirmed, that "The Development Road project will start from the port of Faw to the heart of London," indicating, "This matter is a positive motive to complete the project with a positive vision by the countries of the region for its importance." 
    Al-Safi said, "The port of Faw will be the main station, followed by other stations," stressing that Iraq is "the closest point to Europe, which is reflected in multiple benefits for Iraq through the money imposed to obtain approvals to enter the port of Faw, as well as through land and railway lines."