Ministry of Health: Maximum alert on hospitals in Lebanon

  • 17-09-2024, 17:10
  • +A -A


    The Lebanese News Agency - NNA-Leb reported on Tuesday that the Ministry of Health asked all hospitals in various Lebanese regions to be on maximum alert and raise their level of readiness.

    "The call came in response to the urgent need for emergency health services, and to remain in coordination with the Ministry of Public Health to quickly distribute injuries and ensure the speed of starting their treatment," included in the NNA-Leb report.

    The Ministry of Health directed a request "to all citizens who own wireless communication devices to stay away from them until the truth of what is happening is revealed," indicating that "large numbers of people with various injuries are flocking to Lebanese hospitals. It has been initially found that the injuries are related to the explosion of wireless devices that were in the possession of the injured."