'Development Road' ministerial meeting includes Iraq and 3 countries, says MOT

  • 9-09-2024, 17:48
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    The Ministry of Transport confirmed, on Monday, that the direct stage of implementing the Development Road will be in 2025 after the completion of the detailed designs phase.

    "Development Road is the dream of the Iraqis. Baghdad will host a meeting of the Ministerial Council that includes Turkey, Qatar, and the UAE next November 1st to discuss the course of work under the directives of PM Muhammed S. Al-Sudan," said the ministry's spokesman, Maitham Al-Safi, in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency - INA. 

    He added, "Al-Faw Port will be the starting point of the Development Road towards Europe. "There are international companies that are a partner in setting public policies, economic and financial visions."

    "Turkey has a great interest in connection pass way with Al-Faw Port up to the heart of London. Special sums of money were allocated to the Development Road by the Turkish side. There is progress in the stages of the initial designs, in addition to the endorsements of the project paths," he noted.

    He added, "After the initial designs phase, the transition will be moved to the detailed designs and then the implementation process, which will be during the year 2025. Iraq deals with the Development Road project, scientifically and realistically according to the interest of the Iraqi people. The project will pass through 11 Iraqi governorates."