Statistics: New housing complexes, unit numbers according to government plans

  • 9-09-2024, 17:34
  • +A -A


    PM advisor for Industry and Private Sector Development, Hammoudi Al-Lami, confirmed on Monday, that the government of PM Muhammed S. Al-Sudani includes the construction of 52 integrated residential cities.

    "The government program of Al-Sudani includes the construction of 52 integrated housing cities in which housing units reach about one million and 100 thousand housing units. These cities will be distributed in all governorates," said Al-Lami in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency - INA. 

    He added, "There is great support that the government provides to the construction industries sector to provide facilities for investors in the field of housing cities. The distribution of housing units to the governorates will be as follows:

    • Establishing 3 cities in Basra, up to 70 thousand housing units.
    • Establishing cities in Baghdad, up to 150 thousand housing units.
    • Najaf: 144 thousand housing units.
    • Salah al-Din: 113 thousand housing units.
    • Babylon: 110 thousand housing units.
    • Wasit: 105 thousand housing units.
    • Anbar: 88 thousand housing units.
    • Diyala: 60 thousand housing units.
    • Diwaniyah: 59 thousand housing units.
    • Kirkuk: 46 thousand housing units.
    • Dhi-Qar: 44 thousand housing units.
    • Al-Muthanna: 36 thousand housing units.
    • Nineveh: 33 thousand housing units.
    • Karbala: 30 thousand housing units.
    • Maysan: 8 thousand housing units.