Parliamentary Finance Committee Hosts Customs and Tax Authorities to Enhance Non-Oil Revenues

  • 3-09-2024, 14:06
  • +A -A

    Baghdad - INA
    The Parliamentary Finance Committee, chaired by Atwan Al-Atooni, announced on tuesday that it has hosted the heads of the General Commission for Taxes, Ali Waad Al-Alaoui, and the General Authority for Customs, Hassan Hamoud Al-Akeeli, to discuss non-oil revenues and strategies for revenue enhancement.
    During the meeting, which was attended by a reporter from the Iraqi News Agency (INA), Al-Atooni stated, "The meeting was convened to explore the expansion of non-oil revenues and to discuss the financial situation."
     He emphasized that "everyone recognizes that reliance on oil creates a fragile economy, which has rendered the Iraqi economy rentier and heavily dependent on oil."
    He added that "the Finance Committee previously met with the Deputy Prime Minister, the Minister of Finance, the Minister of Electricity, and the Minister of Oil to discuss various revenue streams, including non-oil revenues."
    Al-Atooni noted that "the committee has decided to continue meetings with ministries and agencies concerned with those revenues, as outlined in the budget law," adding, "The Finance Committee deemed it necessary to meet with the heads of the Tax Authority and the Customs Authority to outline the procedures we will jointly pursue."


    He further stated, "The tax and customs institutions are crucial for increasing and maximizing revenues, especially since the Central Bank sells over $200 million daily."