14 Terrorists, Including Daesh Leaders, Killed in Anbar Desert

  • 30-08-2024, 13:47
  • +A -A

    Baghdad - INA

    The Joint Operations Command-JOC announced on Friday, that 14 terrorists, including leaders of Daesh gangs, were killed in the Anbar Desert.

    According to a Joint Operations Command (JOC) statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), under the Commander-in-Chief's directives, precise intelligence and fieldwork over two months enabled to identify key ISIS leaders in the Anbar Desert, specifically in Al-Hazimi. The Iraqi Intelligence Service, using ground and aerial surveillance, pinpointed four fortified and camouflaged hideouts. This coordinated effort by the JOC resulted in detailed information about the terrorists and their locations."

    The statement added that “at 4:00 a.m. Thursday, airstrikes targeted the hideouts, followed by an airborne operation. With international coalition support, 14 ISIS terrorists were killed in the desert and caves, some equipped with explosive belts and hand grenades."

    The statement noted that “among the dead were key ISIS leaders. All hideouts, weapons, and logistical support were destroyed, explosive belts were safely detonated and important documents, identification papers, and communication devices were seized."