PM issues directives regarding the Arbaeen visit, tree planting campaigns and the new academic year

  • 28-07-2024, 22:33
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    Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani issued several decisions to the governorates today, Sunday, regarding preparations for the Arbaeen Pilgrimage and the new academic year, during the fourth session of the Supreme Coordination Authority between the governorates non-organized in the region.
    The Prime Minister's Media Office said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Prime Minister Mohammed Shia al-Sudani chaired, today, Sunday, the fourth session of the Supreme Coordination Committee between the governorates not organized in a region," indicating that "the overall situation in the governorates was discussed, the topics on the agenda were discussed, and the necessary decisions were taken."
    At the beginning of the session, al-Sudani appreciated "the efforts of the governors, heads and members of the governorate councils in communicating and cooperating with the ministries to confront various administrative, technical and service challenges, especially during the summer and the season of high temperatures, and its clear impact on the electrical energy system and its stability, and the exacerbation of water scarcity, especially with regard to the requirements of the agricultural plan for the rice crop and the necessities of early irrigation. Al-Sudani also expressed his appreciation for the governorates' efforts in supporting the technical teams concerned with the general census of the population of Iraq, which is relied upon in drawing up development plans and all state policies and programs."
    Prime Minister directed "local governments to make the necessary efforts in preparation for the Arbaeen visit, and directed the governorates that have border crossings to carry out their duties and tasks to the fullest extent," stressing that "the permanent committee for million-person visitor has continued to hold its meetings since the end of the visit ceremonies last year, and has set its priorities and will hold a special conference next week on this matter." At the same time, he appreciated "the efforts of the holy Karbala governorate and the parties supporting it in the Muharram visit."
    In preparation for the next academic year, Al-Sudani directed the Ministries of Education, Higher Education and Scientific Research to invest the summer vacation to complete the maintenance of schools and colleges and prepare them to receive students, provide textbooks and distribute them in a timely manner, as well as develop plans for periodic evaluation of the performance of schools, universities and students to ensure the achievement of the desired educational goals, and provide effective communication channels with parents of students to cooperate in raising the level of students.
    In support of the environmental sector, the Prime Minister directed the launch of a major tree planting campaign in the streets, squares and external roads in the governorates, with the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Municipalities.
    The Prime Minister stressed the need to reduce operating expenses, benefit from the revenues allowed to the governorates according to the budget law, enhance the revenues of the state treasury, and develop non-oil revenues, which is a joint task for ministries and local governments, and must be within the context of ongoing work that obligates all ministries, governorates and other entities.
    The session witnessed discussion of the monthly status of projects implemented in the governorates, and discussion of the stalled and suspended projects in the governorates of Baghdad, Karbala, Nineveh and Maysan, and the reasons for their stalling, and the development of rapid solutions to start working on them.
    Within the powers specific to the agricultural sector, and to ensure the regular and steady operation of the public facility and the provision of public services without interruption, it was decided to authorize the Ministry of Agriculture to continue exercising its powers stipulated in the law for a period of (60) days, or until the Committee of Diwani Order No. (24164) of 2024, concerned with the subject, submits its recommendations and approves them, whichever is sooner.
    Regarding roads and bridges, it was approved to amend items (first and second) of the decision of the Supreme Coordination Authority between Governorates No. (23 of 2023) to become as follows: - The governorate shall propose road and bridge maintenance projects, in accordance with the revenues collected under Law No. (40 of 2015), and they shall be presented to the governorate council for approval.
    The amendment of the decision of the Supreme Coordination Authority between the Governorates, No. (6) on November 10, 2022, was also voted on, so that the governorate councils shall approve the basic designs of the cities based on the provisions of Law No. (4 of 2023), and the third amendment to the Law of Elections of the House of Representatives and the Governorate and District Councils No. (12 of 2018).
    During the session, it was decided to form a committee headed by the Coordination Authority between the Governorates and membership of representatives from the Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the Ministries of Finance and Youth and Sports, and representatives from the governorates (Maysan, Babil, Baghdad, Nineveh, Wasit), to study the legislation related to the youth and sports sector that conflicts with administrative decentralization, and propose the necessary recommendations regarding the cancellation or amendment of this legislation, and supervise the completion of the transfer of sub-departments, agencies, jobs, services and specializations that the Ministry of Youth and Sports is competent to exercise, based on the provisions of the Law of Governorates Not Organized in a Region No. (21 of 2008, as amended).
    The vote was also held to form a committee headed by the Director General of the National Center for Occupational Health and Safety, affiliated with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, and with the membership of representatives of the relevant departments and governorates (Baghdad - Basra - Nineveh), to submit a draft law on occupational health and safety.
    In preparation for the upcoming World Cup qualifiers, it was voted on Basra Governorate to undertake the requirements for preparing sports facilities in Basra, from the governorate's budget, with the completion of the implementation of the previous Al Hilal Company contract with the governorate, provided that coordination is done with the Ministry of Youth and Sports in this regard.
    Within the framework of administrative reform and legal restructuring of departments in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the following was voted on:
    1. Approval of the recommendations of the committee formed on April 6, 2023, and specialized in the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, which included:
    - Based on the provisions of the Law of Governorates Not Organized in a Region (21 of 2008 as amended), and in implementation of what was decided by the Federal Supreme Court, the committee recommends the following:
    First:  Complete the transfer of the Directorate of Labor and Social Affairs in the governorates, the Vocational Training Department, the Employment and Loans Department in the governorates, the Occupational Health and Safety Department in the governorates, and the devices, jobs, services and specializations related to it, with their financial appropriations allocated to them in the general budget and the employees and workers in them, to the governorates.
    A. The Social Protection Authority and the Authority for the Care of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs are two federal departments affiliated with the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, in implementation of the decision of the Federal Supreme Court not to include them in the provisions of Article (45) of the Law of Non-Regional Governorates No. (21 of 2008 as amended).
    B. The departments of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs, for all institutes, units and shelters, are federal departments subject to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, based on the provisions of Law No. (11 of 2024), and the first amendment to the Law of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and Special Needs No. (38) of 2013.
    Third: The following departments and sections are federal departments subject to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs; for the reasons indicated opposite each of them:
    1. The Department of Retirement and Social Security for Workers; because it enjoys a legal personality and has a fund that the law has established to manage by a special board of directors that finances the aforementioned department.
    2. The Small Income-Generating Projects Support Fund has a legal personality and a Board of Directors funded by the public treasury and is responsible for granting loans to those covered by the provisions of the law.
    3. The Inspection Department; as its tasks are linked to the concept of public policy related to ensuring the enforcement of the provisions of the law and international agreements regarding working conditions and protecting workers and their rights, while they are working and providing technical information and guidance.
    4. The Foreigners Department, as its tasks are linked to federal powers related to granting work permits and residence permits to foreign workers, bringing them in and employing them, and issuing instructions to organize their work.
    Fourth: Recommendation to the Legal Department in the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, in view of the legislative intervention to amend the Industrial Services Law No. (30) of (2000) in a manner consistent with the provisions of Article (45) of the Governorates Law No. (21) of 2008 as amended, and Federal Court Decisions (126) and (132) and regulations that conflict with the provisions of the aforementioned article in order to complete the disengagement and transfer it to the governorates.
    Fifth: Recommendation to the General Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, Legal Department, to take the necessary measures regarding the correction of Cabinet Resolution No. (23477 of 2023) stipulating (changing the affiliation of Dar Al Hanan for the Severely Disabled and the rest of the shelters in the governorates, and re-linking it to the Department of Care for People with Special Needs, which is one of the formations of the Authority for the Care of People with Disabilities and Special Needs),  
    Sixth: Cancel the Federal Labor Department created by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs in the governorates.
    Seventh: Adopt the name (Department of Occupational Health and Safety) in the governorates, instead of (National Center for Occupational Health and Safety).
    2. The Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs shall issue ministerial orders to complete the transfer of departments, agencies, jobs, services and related specializations, along with their financial appropriations allocated to them in the general budget, employees and workers in it, to the governorates, and Cancel the Federal Labor Department in the governorates.
    3. The Coordination Body between the Governorates shall follow up on the implementation of the recommendations of the aforementioned committee.