Al-Sudani affirms readiness and capability development of PMF

  • 14-06-2024, 13:21
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    Prime Minister and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mohammed S. Al-Sudani, participated in a ceremony in Baghdad today, commemorating the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) and the issuance of the jihad fatwa by the supreme religious authority, Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani.
    The Prime Minister said in his speech during the official ceremony held on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of the founding of the Popular Mobilization Forces, which was followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “In his speech during the ceremony, Prime Minister Al-Sudani described the establishment of the Popular Mobilization Forces as a testament to the dedication and patriotic spirit within this devout national formation.”
     He emphasized its crucial role in combating terrorism, preserving Iraqi territory, and upholding state sovereignty and the rule of law.
    Prime Minister Al-Sudani highlighted the atrocities committed by ISIS against the people in the regions it occupied, which fueled the determination and sacrifices made for the nation. He emphasized the responsibility to honor the legacy of the martyrs of the Popular Mobilization Forces, the heroic leaders of victory, and the martyrs of the armed forces who defended and sacrificed their lives for a secure and stable Iraq.
    Key points from Prime Minister Al-Sudani's speech include:
    The unity of the elderly and the youth in resisting the forces of evil is a powerful image that every nation would cherish to immortalize as part of its national and jihadist heritage.
    The Popular Mobilization Forces was established by the will of dedicated volunteers before it took an organized form.
    The Popular Mobilization Forces strengthened the social fabric and reinforced the concept of national unity.
    The victories achieved by the Popular Mobilization Forces, alongside other branches of our armed forces, will remain a source of pride.
    We believe in the importance of this national organization and stand firm on the core issues upheld by our people, their official institutions, and national forces, leaving no room for compromise.
    There is always a need to correct courses and review our actions based on our belief in the PMF's principles.
    Our only path is to build the state, strengthen its institutions, uphold the rule of law, and protect Iraq's interests.
    Despite some parties' attempts to use the PMF's name for purposes outside its mission, it remains the people's mobilization force and will not deviate from its path and historical role.
    We have fulfilled citizens' aspirations with a government that serves them, overcomes challenges, fights corruption, and protects public funds.
    The nation for which the martyrs strived is a dignified one where its people live with pride and honor.
    Our government program included supporting all branches of our armed forces, including the Popular Mobilization Forces.
    We aim to maintain the preparedness of the PMF and enhance its capabilities. We have completed the necessary support and prepared professional camps located outside cities.
    We have submitted the Service and Retirement Law for the Popular Mobilization Forces Service Members, fulfilling the promise made by this government, in recognition and honor of its service members, and caring for the martyrs' families.
    The members of the Popular Mobilization Forces carry out their duties and tasks under the Iraqi flag and within the framework of the law and constitution.