Interior Minister Abdul Amir al-Shammari unveiled details of Iraq's three-year (2023, 2024, and 2025) anti-drug strategy and updates on efforts
to capture international drug traffickers.
Al-Shammari disclosed details of the " Arba'in pilgrimage" and early efforts to secure the millions-visit witnessed annually in Iraq on the occasion of the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussein (peace be upon him).
Interior Minister Abdul Amir al-Shammari stated in an interview with the Iraqi News Agency (INA) that "the Interior Ministry's strategic plan to combat the dangerous scourge of drugs, since assuming the position of Interior Minister, has been represented by several points, the first of which is the preparation of a strategy to combat drugs for the years (2023 - 2024 - 2025), which is being implemented comprehensively."
He added that "this strategy includes several objectives and priorities, starting with reducing the supply of drugs throughout Iraq and reducing the demand for them," explaining that "measures to reduce the supply include controlling the international borders with Syria, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and all the shared borders with neighboring countries, as well as controlling or regulating border crossings and establishing drug control departments and K9 units at border crossings."
Coordination with neighboring countries
He pointed out "coordination with neighboring countries regarding apprehending international traders," affirming "progress made in this field during the past year, 2023, as many traders were convicted under Article 27 of international trade."
He added, "As for reducing demand, measures included awareness and guidance, in which the role of the National Security Advisory Council played a part. Last week, a strategy for awareness and guidance was approved in collaboration with the Ministries of Education and Higher Education. Additionally, we have opened compulsory rehabilitation centers in all provinces of Iraq to treat addicts and drug users as victims."
Deterrent Measures
He noted that "the other matter is tightening measures on youth users to prevent them from returning to drug use after their rehabilitation, as well as educating families as part of measures taken to reduce supply and demand." He also highlighted that "activating the investigation and parallel investigation regarding the seizure of movable and immovable assets of drug dealers has become a deterrent. Additionally, the Cabinet approved the confiscation of vehicles used by drug traffickers upon seizure."
Regional Conferences
Al-Shammari emphasized, "A conference was convened last year, and plans are underway for a ministerial gathering of the region's interior ministers later this year, aimed at fostering coordination and consolidating efforts. Notably, high-level representatives convened in Amman three months ago to coordinate the strategies among Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon. This initiative dovetails with ongoing endeavors to liaise with all pertinent security and intelligence services, ensuring comprehensive data collation to effectively tackle shared challenges."
Arba'in pilgrimage
Regarding Arba'in pilgrimage, Al-Shammari stated, "Two committees were formed: the High Security Committee, chaired by the Minister of Interior and comprising representatives from all other security agencies, and a Service Committee, led by Razzaq Al-Yaqoubi from the Prime Minister's Office and including representatives from relevant ministries. We commenced meetings early to discuss insights gleaned from previous pligramages and others, resulting in a clear vision."
He further elaborated, "We initiated discussions early last week, as I visited the Islamic Republic of Iran and held meetings with Iranian counterparts. During these deliberations, we reached agreements on visitor entry procedures, facilitation mechanisms, as well as the efficiency of return and entry through border crossings."
Regarding the entry of Iranian vehicles, the Minister clarified, "Iranian public transport vehicles may be utilized during peak times of the Arba'in pilgrimage for reverse pilgrims group dispatching towards border crossings."
Pakistani pilgrims
He affirmed that "all aspects and agendas of the pilgrimage have been agreed upon with the Iranian side, except for the issue of Pakistani pilgrims. Specific regulations will be applied to them because many of them have not exited Iraq, contravening residency regulations."
Prime Minister's Support
He highlighted, "There is unequivocal support from the Prime Minister for the pilgrimage, with a dedicated budget allocated to cover its expenses. Additionally, the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces has instructed the mobilization of all state resources, both service-oriented and security-focused, to ensure the visit's safety. This concerted effort will aid us in securing and safeguarding the visitors, as well as facilitating their passage."