Prime Minister: We have defeated terrorism and moved to development stage

  • 20-05-2024, 11:00
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    INA- Baghdad

     Prime Minister Mohammed S. Al-Sudani  stressed ,on Monday, the transition to the development stage after the victory over terrorism, while stressing the need to work to stop the genocide against the Palestinian people .

    Prime Minister said, in his speech during the global security forum held in Doha, followed by the Iraqi News Agency (INA) : "I am honored to participate in this ambitious conference, and extend my sincere thanks to the brotherly state of Qatar for hosting this event, in confirmation and enhancement of its position at the forefront of successful experiences in development and construction. 

    Prime minister praised the "focus of attention on security issue and its sustainable solutions, from all aspects and paths that affect peoples’ lives, and govern their quest to achieve a decent living in a sustainable peace".

     PM pointed out that" Iraqi people have suffered over the past decades, pains, Wars, dictatorship, confrontations that consumed effort and  pure blood, and consumed precious time that was not invested for the benefit of the people's hopes " ,noting that "with all these obstacles, Iraq managed to overcome the greatest evils, and won the Battle of terrorism”.

    Prime minister added "We, as Iraqis, have moved from the stage of victory to the stage of development with strength, in a stable democracy, and our government has committed itself to changing the state of the Iraqi economy towards openness on partnerships, diversity in resources, facing chronic challenges in unemployment, services, corruption, fighting poverty and supporting economic reform in all its forms”. 

    PM explained "only a year and a half has passed, and the inductive figures of the economy speak of a positive, and diverse rise, and promises more, in addition to the infrastructure has witnessed a real rise that will not stop, and day after day, we are passing obstacles that seemed difficult or even impossible in past years". 

    He added "It is important that these steps are understood within a comprehensive policy adopted by the government, supported by the House of Representatives, which addresses everything that affects the citizen in his life and meets his ambition," he added, explaining that "from this diagnosis, we set off to achieve this possible goal".

    He continued, "We faced various difficulties and challenges in all the targeted sectors, but our belief in the ability of our people, and their adherence to the reconstruction and development of our country is boundless ", pointing out that" health, electricity, public services, civil infrastructure, a healthy banking system, honest government administration, work to fight poverty, exploit energy and gas investment, face climate and environmental changes, provide food, housing, education and others, all have become Participation in elections, as an irreplaceable constitutional means of choosing governance and decision-making".

    "We have set our sights on changing the philosophy of State Administration, developing the way it implements its tasks, will be a correct entrance to the exploitation of wealth, and therefore it is the first social base for good governance, so we founded the Iraq Development Fund, opened the doors to the private sector with sovereign guarantees, and began to cooperate with international credit institutions," he said, explaining, "We urge confident steps in our most prominent project, the development road project, this strategic corridor that will positively link the interests of the region the interweaving of interests between peoples Before the governments, we are confident that these are the pillars of security and stability in the region", he said.

    He pointed out that" security is no longer dependent on a political decision or field work only, "noting that"an overlapping package of measures, legitimate mutual interests, fair trade and economic systems, and if we support security in all its concepts, with economic interdependence that makes solutions, and supports to face challenges, we will find that the causes of unrest will recede, the opportunities for sedition will decrease and the sources of conflicts will fade, and more resources will be allocated to development sectors".

    Regarding the aggression on Gaza, the Prime Minister pointed out that "the aggression on civilians in Gaza and the occupied territories, and the weak international position on the Palestinian right, has threatened the entire region with the spread of the conflict, and it insulted international law, violated the sanctity of blood, and it represents today the biggest threat to the peoples of the region and their stability", pointing out that "work to stop the outright genocide against the Palestinian people, will represent the beginning of a system of mutual trust in our efforts to achieve security for our people and our region".

    PM pointed out that "Iraq will be the first contributor to the restoration of life and reconstruction of Gaza and our steadfast people there".