Al-Mohammadawi: the Government program has developed an early strategy to fortify the borders

  • 5-04-2024, 13:19
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    INA-  Baghdad


    The deputy commander of Joint Operations, Lieutenant General Qais al-Mohammadawi, confirmed on Friday that the percentage of fortifications on 

    the Syrian border has reached 80%” , pointing out that the Government program has developed an early strategy to fortify the border”.

    "There has been a great and continuous work by the Ministry of Interior and joint operations for three years to complete fortifications, barriers, concrete blocks and the installation of observation towers and thermal cameras along the Syrian border", pointing out that "the completion rates have reached very advanced stages, the percentage of work exceeded more than 80% along the distance to the border from the Turkish-Iraqi-Syrian Triangle north to the Iraqi-Syrian border towards al-Qaim and then south to the junction of the Iraqi-Syrian-Jordanian border and a distance of more than 625 km ”al-mohammadawi said to the Iraqi News Agency (INA ).

    He added that" the Government program has developed an early strategy for this important issue, with continuous follow-up by the commander-in-chief of the armed forces and under the field supervision of ministries and security commands to complete all the requirements of the border sections of human, technical, technological and administrative resources, as well as enhancing the depth of the border line with the Iraqi army sectors to represent the depth and strong support for the border sectors with various medium and heavy weapons and various equipment ", noting that "the work and openness of the sector and the measures taken are the best in the history of the Iraqi-Syrian border”.

    "Infiltration operations have been reduced by a very high percentage and are almost very limited, and they are not only related to ISIS, but also to smuggling, labor and drug issues, and they are handled by the units with high professionalism and great attention and achieving excellent results in this regard "al-Mohammadawi explained.