Finance Minister Taif Sami confirmed on Wednesday, that the government is determined to proceed with economic reforms, appreciating the role played by the World Bank in supporting the reform directions implemented by the new government.
Sami received the Regional Director of the World Bank for the Middle East, John Christophe, and his accompanying delegation, accorded to the Ministry of Finance statement received by the Iraqi News Agency - INA.
During the meeting, they discussed the mechanisms for enhancing cooperation and the bilateral partnership between the two sides in various fields, in accordance with the vision of the Iraqi government aimed at benefiting from all forms of international support as "it is necessary to support development and strategic projects in Iraq."
She appreciated "the role played by the World Bank in supporting the reform directions implemented by the new government," noting that the government is determined to proceed with fundamental reforms in order to provide the requirements for a balanced economic renaissance in the country.
In turn, Christophe expressed his appreciation for "the efforts of the Iraqi government in the field of economic reform, and its ability to implement it despite the difficult challenges," praising "the Iraqi efforts in the field of achieving regional economic integration in partnership with the rest of the countries of the region, which ultimately leads to strengthening the national economy and its prosperity."
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