Eyewitnesses confirmed on Wednesday, that the bombing of Barkh village resort in Zakho district, Dohuk governorate, took place after 20 buses for tourists entered.
"More than 20 buses entered to the resort, and after 15 minutes, there was heavy shelling with at least 5 missiles targeting civilians in the resort. I have a friend whose hand was cut off and an old man was martyred with his daughters, according to what I saw before my eyes,” an eyewitness, who survived the bombing, told Al-Iraqiya News TV, followed by the Iraqi News Agency – INA.
Another eyewitness said that, "there was a big fire and the body parts of people were scattered on the ground as a result of the bombing that was carried out by several missiles, the source of which is unknown."
Earlier, Zakho Kaymakam confirmed to INA, that "the death toll from the bombing rose to 9, with 23 others wounded," noting that all the victims were tourists from central and southern Iraq.
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