An extraordinary International Energy Agency meeting will be held today

  • 1-04-2022, 14:42
  • +A -A

    Baghdad - INA 

    The International Energy Agency will hold an extraordinary meeting on Friday with the aim of discussing the situation in the oil market, with the possibility of taking new measures in an effort to bring stability amid the high prices due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine .

    "We will discuss the measures that we can take to ensure the stability of the oil markets," Agency Executive Director Fatih Birol said during a discussion organized by the New York Times .

    The French Ministry of Environmental Transition explained that "this extraordinary meeting of the Board of Governors at the ministerial level will be held at the invitation of the United States in order to assess the impact of the collective release of oil stocks and study possible additional measures, taking into account the rapid development of the current global oil supply situation and the oil market ."

    The International Energy Agency announced in early March that member states would release sixty million barrels of their emergency oil reserves in order to stabilize the market after the Russian invasion of Ukraine .

    Source: Agence France-Presse