SJC announces capturing of extortion group intended to manipulate the results of the elections

  • 26-08-2021, 09:50
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    The Supreme Judicial Council announced the capturing of a blackmailing group that was trying to manipulate the results of the elections and political chaos, indicating that one of the politicians met with the group of blackmailers.
    And the competent investigative judge said in a statement of the SJC received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA):  that a Judicial investigation based led to discovering a group of people who are professional in electronic extortion, their first goal is to prepare for manipulating the results of the upcoming elections and changing its results, while the second goal is to provoke the political chaos.
    This group intended to offend the various political and social figures in the Iraqi state, noting that one of the politicians met with them in his house, where the issue of elections and media was discussed, as he suggested establishing a multi-voice cell on social media, as the idea of creating a channel on the Telegram program was proposed by one of the accused, that would be secured with a fake phone number, a line purchased from outside Iraq, and the channel was named  (The Lady of the green zone), that started publishing in a way that aims to increase chaos in the political situation and increase differences between political parties, the Judge added.
    The investigations have resulted in the confession of two out of the current three accused, asserting that the accused are currently under arrest, following a confession supported by the evidence obtained from the websites. 
    He clarified that the investigation is still ongoing to find out the rest of the defendants involved in this crime, noting that the group has hired a group of experts in order to try to falsify the upcoming legislative elections, and offend the nominees, which is a major crime that would undermine the political system and the individual's expression of his political representation.