Iraq brings parties together.. What is the secret of moving the international compass towards Baghdad.

  • 21-08-2021, 02:12
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    Baghdad is preparing to host the first conference of regional neighbors at the end of this month, in which important and elementary countries will attend, to discuss the political and security challenges facing the countries of the region.

    Over the past few days, envoys of Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi have delivered official invitations to the leaders of states to attend the summit, which encouraged countries to consolidate their relations with Iraq. 

    Observers believe that Iraq's regional and international actions have made it more powerful and influential in the region, while noting that the summit will have an important role in reforming Iraq's foreign policy. 

    In this context, a member of the Parliamentary Foreign Relations Committee, Abdul Bari Al-Modares, told the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "The Iraqi government is trying to return Iraq's role to international forums and the European Union, and perhaps Iraq in the future will be the sponsor of many important issues in the region 

    Prestige of the state

    He added, "Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi is trying to retake Iraq's prestige to what it was before, because Iraq is a rich country and possesses natural and human resources that distinguish it from others," stressing the importance of strengthening relations with the European Union and with neighboring countries. 

    He pointed out that "the summit that will be held in Baghdad at the end of this month will have an important role in reformulating Iraq's foreign policy, in addition to strengthening the European Union's view of Iraq's foreign relations. 

    International Relations

     Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi has the upper hand in the success of Iraq's foreign relations, as he possesses information about these countries and the points of convergence and intersection, and thus activating the convergence points with the freezing (stop) of the intersection points pushed those countries to the issue of openness to Iraq.