The Arab Council for Childhood calls to stop targeting Palestinian children

  • 16-05-2021, 19:27
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    Follow-up - INA

    The Arab Council for Childhood and Development called today, Sunday, to stop targeting Palestinian children, while declaring its full solidarity with all coordination efforts aimed at calming down.

    In a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), the council said, "The whole world has witnessed over the past days the escalating violence perpetrated by the Israeli occupier against the Palestinian people, which began with the events of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem and extended the sanctity of the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and extended to the destruction of homes and areas where it resides." Civilians, it left hundreds of martyrs and injured, among them 41 Palestinian children, according to the sources announced so far.

    He condemned "barbaric practices against children and civilians of the Palestinian people, which represent a crime against humanity and a flagrant violation of the rights of the child guaranteed to him by international covenants and conventions," calling for "an end to the targeting of children."