PLC discloses the voting laws

  • 13-05-2021, 16:36
  • +A -A


    The Parliamentary Legal Committee revealed, today, Thursday, the most prominent laws prepared for voting in the House of Representatives.

    Committee member Hussein Al-Aqabi said in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA): “The most prominent laws that the parliament must legislate during the coming period pertain to the telecommunications sector, including the Information Crimes Law, the Ministry of Communications Law and the Media and Communications Commission Law,” stressing the need to reconsider these Institutions that are not necessary, since the existence of the Ministry of Communications and the two bodies of communications, broadcasting and transmission is not necessary for this diversity and it may be part of the system of the Ministry of Communications and laws are formulated for it, and the Media Commission may be part of the Ministry as an independent body.

    He pointed out that "there are laws related to the housing crisis, the treatment of slums and the provision of housing for citizens, and they need legislative cover, which is an important and vital topic," noting that "there is a retirement law for the private sector and workers, and there are a number of laws in the parliamentary committees that must be considered and enacted." .

    He added that "there is the Civil Service Law, which is one of the basic laws, especially after the legislation of the Federal Service Council Law on appointments which It must be formulated in the new civil service law. "