A film produced by the PMF takes the United Nations gold out of 900 competitors

  • 5-03-2019, 18:27
  • +A -A

      Baghdad - INA

    The short-lived animation film "Maazofti" produced by the Media Directorate of the People's Rally on Tuesday won the first gold prize at the Human Rights Festival, which is hosted by the UN Human Rights Office of the United Nations Mission in Iraq UNAMI.

    The director of the technical department in the department, Morteza al-Ameri, said in a statement: This short Animation film (three minutes) produced by the Directorate of Information in the popular mobilization forces  won on Tuesday, the first gold prize at the Human Rights Festival, For the United Nations Mission in Iraq on the sidelines of the festival (3 minutes in 3 days) in cooperation with the city of art for film and television production.

    The jury was very careful in choosing and installing the winner out of 900 competing films, said Amiri, director of the film, adding that "the popular crowd is producing a number of films that embody the victories of the popular mobilization , the sacrifice of the fighters, the martyrs .