Iraqi leaders and politicians offer condolences on the martyrdom of Sayyed Nasrallah

  • Today, 16:49
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    Iraqi Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shimmari, offered condolences on Saturday on the martyrdom of Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

    "Day after day, free men prove that they have true positions and have dedicated their lives for the sake of the elevation of the Islamic religion and sacrifice for the sake of liberating the sanctities. The valiant resistance was and still is a symbol of courage and selflessness," said Al-Shimmari in a statement - received by the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

    He added, "Here is the brave and courageous hero Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah joining the righteous martyrs, hoping to be in the company of his Lord and with his Imam Al-Hussein, peace be upon him. How could he not, as he loved martyrdom since he entered the battlefields and was truly one of the leaders that history is proud of. He lived the life of heroes and was martyred with his head held high and will remain alive with the living who are provided for by their Lord and in the conscience of the honorable."

    In a statement received by - INA, Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research Naeem Al-Aboudi offered his condolences on the martyrdom of Hezbollah Secretary-General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

    Al-Aboudi said, "We offer our condolences to the Islamic resistance nation on the martyrdom of its knight Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who answered the call of his Lord as a patient and proud martyr in the face of global Zionist arrogance in defense of the land of Lebanon, Palestine and their struggling people." 

    The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs, Ahmed Al-Asadi, expressed his condolences, saying, "With hearts filled with sadness and grief, and with firm faith in God's will and destiny, we mourn to the Islamic nation, the great mujahid, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Secretary-General of the Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, who ascended as a martyr after a blessed jihadist journey full of sacrifices and heroism with valor to liberate the occupied Palestinian territories."

    "He was a fierce defender of the rights of the Islamic nation and the oppressed everywhere, sacrificing everything he had to liberate our land from the filth of the usurping Zionist occupation. The martyr Sayyed Nasrallah worked to develop the resistance and fortify its capabilities and sought to arm and train the mujahideen to be the impregnable wall of the countries of the resistance in the face of the enemies of the nation," he highlighted.

    Minister of Agriculture Abbas Jabr Al-Maliki offered his condolences to the great religious authorities and the people of Lebanon and Iraq on the martyrdom of the Master of Resistance, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

    Al-Maliki said, "We offer our condolences to our great religious authorities and the people of Lebanon and Iraq and all the honorable and free people in the world on the martyrdom of the Master of Resistance and the hero of words and positions, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who did not abandon his cause in defending the faith, land and honor against the entity of the state of terrorism, racism and brutality with a treacherous and cowardly strike last night."

    Deputy PM and Minister of Planning Muhammed Tamim also offered his condolences on the martyrdom of the leader of the resistance, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

    Also, Defense Minister, Thabet Al-Abbasi expressed, "With hearts filled with sadness, pain and acceptance of God's will and destiny, we offer our condolences to the Islamic world, the Lebanese people and all free people in the world, for the martyrdom of the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who was martyred as a result of a sinful attack carried out by the Zionist entity's aircraft, on various locations in the southern Lebanese suburb, where the heroic martyr was a symbol of the heroic resistance that refused to surrender to all the criminal acts of the Zionist entity."

    He added, "This sinful act carried out by the Zionist entity is clear evidence of the extent of this entity's transgression and violation of all agreements and a clear and explicit threat to the entire surrounding region."

    "The loss of the Secretary-General of Hezbollah does not deter us from our position rejecting what is happening in Palestine and Gaza and what this entity is doing in terms of aggressive acts that have reached the level of genocide against the Palestinian people, and have extended today to include our Lebanese brothers, as we have seen the results of the bombing carried out by the Zionist entity," he stressed.

    Al-Abbasi explained that "in the context of the acceleration of events in the region and the resulting loss of the martyr Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, we affirm our position in support of the Palestinian and Lebanese peoples and our commitment to international laws that stipulate the right of peoples to live in dignity in their land and country."

    In turn, Minister of Migration and Displacement, Evan Faeq Jabro, offered her condolences for the martyrdom of the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, "This is how heroes depart, leaving us a great lesson in struggle, confronting injustice, and resisting occupation."

    "I offer my condolences to all the free people in the world for the martyrdom of the leader of the resistance, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Oh God grant him eternal rest and let your perpetual light shine upon him, and shame and disgrace to the Zionists." 

    Baghdad Governor, Abdul Muttalib Al-Alawi also offered his condolences on the martyrdom of Sayyed Nasrallah saying, "With hearts filled with sadness and pain, we offer our condolences on the martyrdom of the Master of the Resistance, its title and symbol, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and his attainment of the highest and most exalted degrees of immortality and glory. He answered the call of his Lord as a martyr on the path of truth and the path of jihad and martyrdom, thus concluding a journey of more than three decades of jihad, struggle, resistance and support for the oppressed in beloved Palestine and Lebanon of dignity." 

    For his part, Minister of Electricity Ziad Ali Fadel offered his condolences to the Islamic world and the Lebanese people for the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah in 'a treacherous assassination crime' in the southern suburb of Beirut.

    Minister of Finance Taif Sami offered her condolences to "the Islamic nation, the struggling resistance and the free people of the world for the martyrdom of its symbol and leader, the Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who passed away after a long journey of jihad and resistance in defense of the dignity, freedom and Arabism of the nation. We ask God to bestow His mercy upon him as a patient and contented martyr and to grant him a place in His spacious heavens, and to send us, his family, relatives and loved ones with patience and solace."

    Meanwhile, Minister of Communications Hiyam Al-Yasiri offered her condolences on Saturday for the martyrdom of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. 

    "With great sadness and sorrow, we received the painful news of the martyrdom of the Master of the Resistance, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary-General of the Lebanese Hezbollah, in a criminal incident carried out by the forces of evil and Zionist terrorism. We offer our condolences to ourselves and the Islamic nation for this great loss and to all the honorable men of the resistance, who were and still are faithful to the covenant of Mujahidin for the sake of God Almighty and the brotherly Lebanese people and all its political and popular leaderships," said Al-Yasiri in a statement - received by INA.