KSA opens a trade office in Erbil and a consulate in Basra

  • Today, 16:45
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    Erbil - INA

    The Saudi Ambassador to Iraq, Abdulaziz Al-Shammari, said today, Thursday, that the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Iraq works and moves under the umbrella of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs and in coordination with it, and while he confirmed the establishment of a commercial representation office in Erbil, he announced the imminent opening of a consulate in Basra.

    Al-Shammari stated in a statement to the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the embassy operates in all its movements under the umbrella of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Iraq, and any consulate must have coordination with the government," noting that "today, the contract for establishing the embassy's commercial office in Erbil was signed, which will be part of the commercial consulate in Baghdad."
    Al-Shammari added that "the Saudi consulate in Basra will soon be reopened, and commercial representation there will be at the highest level."

    For his part, Muhammad Shukri, head of the Kurdistan Investment Commission, confirmed that "there is coordination with the Saudi ambassador in Baghdad to open the commercial establishment office in Erbil, and that all mechanisms were carried out through coordination with the federal government."

    He added that "all our commercial transactions with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will be carried out through Iraqi border crossings."
    He continued, "Iraq is one market, not two divided markets, and there is coordination with Baghdad to open this office and the trade relations between Iraq and the Kurdistan Region on the one hand and Saudi Arabia and the rest of the Arab countries on the other hand will benefit all the provinces of Iraq, and Dohuk will be of great benefit due to its industrial and agricultural nature and its great economic potential."

    Today, Thursday, the signing ceremony of the contract for establishing the Saudi Trade Representation Office was held in Erbil Governorate, in the presence of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the representative of its trade office, the head of the Kurdistan Investment Commission, and the head of the Erbil Chamber of Commerce.