Iraq launches The National Environment Strategy for 2024-2030

  • Yesterday, 12:29
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    The Ministry of Environment announced on Wednesday, the launch of the National Environment Strategy for the years 2024-2030.
    Minister of Environment Nizar Amedi said, during the conference to launch the National Strategy for Environmental Protection and Improvement in Iraq, 2024-2030, which was attended by the reporter of the Iraqi News Agency (INA): "Studies have indicated the Environmental global degradation," indicating that "environmental scientists and researchers have agreed that our planet is facing real problems resulting from the increase in global pollution rates, climate change, and the deterioration of natural systems."
    He added, "Human activities are what affect the environment through their desire for development and Urban sprawl at the expense of the natural system and natural balance," calling on "the countries of the world to stand together through international agreements and treaties to preserve the Earth's environment and restore balance and through drawing up environmental policies and strategies."
    Amedi added, "Iraq and part of the world face major environmental challenges resulting from previous wars and the political and economic circulation that the country has gone through, which has made environmental work for a long time far from the priorities of successive governments that focused on defending the homeland."
    He noted that "one of the most important measures is launching the pollution reduction strategy, which is one of the most important priorities, in addition to launching the mines strategy, completing the documents and policies related to climate change, supporting the Iraqi negotiating delegation, activating work in international chemical agreements, and establishing the General Company for Carbon Economics."
    Amedi pointed out that "work is underway to design policies related to desertification and biodiversity, which has become natural."
    He explained that "this strategy was prepared in a way that reflects, at a large level, Iraq's commitment and its representation by official institutions through working effectively within international forums and global agreements to achieve a level of environmental protection and its integration within sustainable solutions," noting that "this strategy is represented alongside a strategy to reduce pollution to be the roadmap for the Ministry of Environment, and many national partners have essential roles in it by preserving the legislation that granted them a major role in planning and implementation."

    Amedi added: "The implementation efforts of this strategy must be joint and matched with government sector institutions to implement effective programs that work to achieve the desired goals and ensure the reduction of pollution and preservation of the environment joint work between the government, civil society and the private sector must be an integral part of the environmental protection strategy through continuous communication and encouraging effective participation, we can achieve sustainable progress towards protecting the environment and preserving natural resources for current and future generations."
     He expressed his "thanks to the efforts of the United Nations Development Program, the United States Agency for International Development, and national and international experts in providing full technical support in preparing this strategy, in addition to the efforts of the Ministry of Environment experts who worked hard to issue this important document, stressing that "the time has come for real work and we have great confidence that implementing this strategy on the ground will represent an important path towards a sustainable environment."