Jordan holds parliamentary elections with spotlight on Gaza

  • 10-09-2024, 09:03
  • +A -A

    Jordanians head to the polls on Tuesday to vote in the first parliamentary elections since reforms in 2022 aimed at modernising the government were passed. With a large focus on the war in Gaza, Islamists are expected to win support but not likely to gain significant ground.
    Jordan holds parliamentary elections on Tuesday, with anger over the war in Gaza and concerns over lagging tourism leaving voters disgruntled.
    The vote is the first since a reform was passed in 2022 that increased the number of seats in the house, reserving a higher number for women and lowering the minimum age for candidates.
    Despite the reform, which was a bid to modernise the kingdom's parliament, voters and candidates have both told AFP the war in Gaza is the main issue in Tuesday's election.
    Islamist candidates seeking to capitalise on anger over Gaza were however unlikely to score major gains, said analysts who believe the conflict may push abstention rates higher.
    Source: NEWS WIRES