INA- Baghdad
President Abdul Latif Jamal Rashid and Sheikh Humam Hammoudi, the head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, emphasized the significance of establishing international ties, particularly with neighbouring countries, based on principles of reciprocal respect and shared interests.
The Iraqi News Agency (INA) was provided with a statement by Sheikh Hammoudi's office that read, "Sheikh Humam Hammoudi, head of the Islamic Supreme Council of Iraq, received Abdul Latif Rashid, President of the Republic of Iraq, on Wednesday and discussed developments in the national and international arenas."
It included that "the two parties pushed the need of uniting security and stability as a premise for accomplishing any comprehensive national renaissance, and the duty of all national political strengths to bind together positions and visions towards national challenges and issues in different political, financial and social areas," noticing "the significance of nearby committee races in upgrading benefit exertion and overhauling their reality."
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