Iraq has taken serious and unprecedented steps in the field of combating corruption: FCOI

  • 9-12-2023, 13:00
  • +A -A

    The Federal Commission of Integrity-FCOI, on Saturday, confirmed that Iraq has taken significant, serious and unprecedented steps in the field of combating corruption, calling on international organizations to do justice to Iraq and obtain accurate data and numbers from reliable and impartial sources.
    “We participate with the countries and peoples of the world in celebrating International Anti-Corruption Day, which falls on December 9 of every year, and in this day we reiterate our warning of the danger of this scourge on state institutions, on the services provided to citizens, and on the infrastructure of Society and its values,” FCOI stated in a statement, received by The Iraqi News Agency-INA.
    "Combating this scourge needs several requirements, including a legislative aspect, including executive actions, diplomacy, as well as information and community momentum in which community activities and religious institutions participate, each in their role, specialty, and the groups they target,” the statement added.
    "The Republic of Iraq has made great and unprecedented strides in the fight against corruption, and hardly any other country is ahead of us in this field, as reality, data, and numbers have attested to,, especially after the clear and visible harmony between the three authorities and the observatory authorities," it continued.
    The Commission lauded “the sacrifices of the soldiers of this battle and the brutal war whose banner is carried by the Federal Integrity Commission. We also remember the sacrifices of the heroes of our armed forces in all their ranks, especially the heroes of the blessed fatwa that humiliated the terrorist ISIS and crushed them, as Victory Day coincides with our celebration of the International Day of anti-corruption.”