Interior Minister announces the end of the security plan for Arbaeen pilgrimage

  • 7-09-2023, 13:32
  • +A -A

    INA-  Baghdad

    Minister of Interior, Abd al-Amir al-Shammari, announced Thursday, the end of the security plan for the Arbaeen pilgrimage.
    the ministry stated, in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency INA that "the Minister of Interior, Abd al-Amir al-Shammari, announced the end of the security plan for the Arbaeen pilgrimage."
    It added, "The sectors returned to their normal position after the end of the alert state."
    The Minister of Interior, Abd al-Amir al-Shammari, confirmed, earlier, that no security breach occurred during the days of the Arbaeen pilgrimage, indicating that the plan was prepared early and was preceded by the implementation of preemptive focused intelligence operations in the governorates close to the holy governorate of Karbala, as well as the governorates that witness the passage of pilgrims to Holy Karbala.