President Rashid confirms deepening historical ties with Egypt

  • 2-11-2022, 13:43
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    President Abdul Latif Rashid confirmed on Wednesday, the importance of deepening ties between Iraq and Egypt, while Egytian president Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi pointed out that Iraq is a strong country which has pivotal role in the region.

    The presidency said in a statement that “ President Rashid met in the Algerian capital, the Egyptian President Abdul Fattah Al-Sisi within the meetings of the 31st Arab Summit which began yesterday Tuesday.

    On his part, President Rashid  pointed out the brotherly and historical ties with Egypt and the importance of deeping them. He also reviewed the procedured that Iraq had taken to overcome effects of the crimes committed by terrorism, expressing optimism in forming the new government which will exrert efforts to serve the people.

    On the other part, President Al-Sisi pointed out that “ iraq is a strong country which has a pivotal role in the region because it has a great history and ancient civilisation enabling it to rise again, praising the deep historical ties it has with Egypt.