Foreign Minister: The Yemeni issue is one of the concerns of Iraqi politics

  • 30-10-2022, 21:17
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    Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fouad Hussein confirmed today, Sunday, that the Yemeni issue is one of the concerns of Iraqi politics.
    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs said in a statement received by the Iraqi News Agency (INA), that "the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak, on the sidelines of his participation in the preparatory meeting of foreign ministers for the Council of the League of Arab States at the summit level in its 31st session, which it work is taking place in Algeria,” noting that “the meeting discussed bilateral relations between the two countries in light of the brotherly ties that unite the two countries, and the vital interests that both sides hope to advance to meet the aspirations of the two brotherly peoples.”
    According to the statement, the minister expressed "Iraq's interest in the course of events in Yemen," stressing "the need to end the conflict that has been going on for several years between the people of the same country."
    He declared, "We are following what is happening in Yemen, and we are concerned about the developments of events," adding: "The Yemeni issue is one of the concerns of Iraqi politics, and we are ready, given Iraq's geopolitical position, to provide everything that would end the war."
    He pointed out that "our position is for all parties to sit at the dialogue table," calling "everyone to rely on this option to avoid further destruction, and the societal effects of the conflict that negatively affect security and development."
    For his part, Yemeni Foreign Minister Ahmed Awad bin Mubarak congratulated the minister on the occasion of forming the new government and renewing confidence in him as Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Iraq.
    Awad expressed that "his government attaches the utmost importance to the issue of internal dialogue, and stresses the need not to interfere in Yemeni internal affairs, because it causes an exacerbation of the crisis and an escalation of violence," stressing "the Yemeni government's serious approach to reaching a peace agreement and ending the conflict."
    The Yemeni minister called for "activating the cultural cooperation agreement between Iraq and Yemen in the context of contributing to strengthening relations between the two countries."