MP: Voting on the emergency support law awaits 3 files resolutions

  • 1-06-2022, 22:00
  • +A -A


    Member of Parliament Amir Al-Maamouri confirmed on Wednesday, that the vote to pass the emergency support law for food security and development is awaiting the resolutions of 3 files.

    "The Parliamentary Finance Committee deliberated today the status of the items and sections of the ministries with government officials for the purpose of determining the costs allocated to them in the Emergency Support Law for Food Security and Development," said MP Al-Maamouri, to Al-Iraqiya News TV followed up by the Iraqi News Agency - INA.

    He added, "We may spend the next week voting on the law, but the matter depends on three things, the first of which is the completion of all its paragraphs in terms of allocations and the distribution of chapters. Secondly, the study of the proposals of the MPs that they requested to be added to the law and submitted to the Finance Committee. Thirdly, the answer of the Ministry of Finance regarding the inclusion of lecturers, contracts and requests for other segments of society."

    Al-Maamouri stressed the importance of the law that "lies in the country's need to provide strategic savings and pay the debts of the Ministry of Electricity along with the other urgent files, including the payment of farmers' dues."

    On the extent to which the total amount of the emergency support law can level up to more than 25 trillion dinars due to the inclusion of new paragraphs, he commented, saying “We are waiting for a response from the Ministry of Finance regarding the inclusion of the dues of lecturers, administrators and contracts for 315, and I think that there is no need to raise the amount of 25 trillion that was placed to begin with. A transfer can be made to some to ensure that these dues are provided."